1. Anamur Folk dance Festival 1-5 August 2025
Country: TURKEY
Anamur is located at the southernmost point of Turkey, across the city of Girne in North Cyprus. The first settlement began here in the ancient Roman period. Its name comes from the word Anemurium, meaning windy nose in Latin language. Today, the ancient city of Anemurium can be visited as an archaeological tour area. There is also the Mamure Castle that still stands and is open to visitors.
Anamur is Turkey's banana production area. In addition to bananas, products such as strawberries and avocados are also grown. There is also agricultural researchs into the cultivation of different tropical fruits such as mango, passion fruit and dragon fruit.
Due to its location on the Mediterranean coast, Anamur is also a developing tourist city. You can swim in the sea from any place in Anamur, which has approximately fifteen kilometers of coastline. There are small-scale hotels and guesthouses on the coast.
Transportation to Anamur is provided by road and sea. There are ferry services from Girne three days a week and it takes one and a half hours to reach North Cyprus. On the other hand, Gazipaşa Airport in Alanya is one and a half hours away.
- Folk dance groups and folk music groups can participate in the festival.
- There is no age restriction.
- Performances can be done with live music or recorded music.
- Groups will stay in apart hotels by the sea. All rooms have air conditioning, refrigerator, tv, WC, shower. Free wi-fi is available throughout the hotel.
- Breakfast and dinner will be provided to the groups.
- The deadline for applications from groups wishing to participate in the festival is 28.02.2025.
- Groups can travel by bus or plane. For groups wishing to use air transportation, Gazipaşa-Alanya airport is 89 kilometers (1.5 hours) away. If requested, these groups will be assisted with bus rental for a fee.
- Groups are kindly requested to arrive at the festival area at noon on August 1, 2025 and leave after breakfast on August 5, 2025.
- The festival participation fee is 190 Euros per person for 4 nights' accommodation, breakfast and dinner between 1 August 2025 and 5 August 2025.
- There will be shows at different venues on two evenings during the festival. It would be in your best interest to participate with a few musicians as there will be parades on the date of performances.
- We will provide a hall every evening so that all groups can have fun in the same place during the festival. All participants will be given free time during the days. You can swim in the sea or participate in extra activities such as boat trips and visiting historical sites organized by us.
- Since there is a ferry service from Anamur to Girne three days a week, we will provide the necessary organization for groups willing to go to Cyprus after the festival. The sailing time is one and a half hours.
- We will provide stands during the festival for those groups willing to bring traditional souvenirs and sell to the local people.
- The detailed program will be sent to the participating groups 20 days before the festival
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us through the channels below.
E mail: kiyagrup@gmail.com
Whatsap/Mobile: + 90 5326456210