Slovenia Folk Dance festival 09-13 July 2025

Country: Slovenia

Meals and accommodation is provided to the groups at Hotel/Hostel/school dormitory if budget permiting, if not, a member participation Fee must be paid for 4 or 5 nights on Half Board basis. Festival is runed on the voluntary bases and already from the beginning the festival is not making any extra money/profit. That means that the festival is depending on the sponsorships. Due to the lack of strong sponsorships and very expensive accomodation in this popular tourist area - we moved from CIOFF rules based festival to a festival where the partecipants have to pay a fee to help us covering some of the festival's accomodation costs that are not low fort his period of time and this area. That means that each partecipant (including drivers) has to pay us 4 nights in a Hostel "Dijaški dom Portorož" (more info on ) including half-board and turist taxes. The Hostel has rooms for 3-4 people.

As you maybe already know, our festival can be also a great holiday experience, because the groups have to dance only in the evenings and we are offering also two interesting free excursions. At the day time you are free to do whatever you want. The festival's location is very beautiful, you can visit the medieval cities of Piran and Koper, you can visit the world known Postojna Caves (around 50 km away), you can visit Bled(around 180 km) and last but not least you can go to Venice in Italy (around 180 km away) to see this unique city. Of course you can visit also Croatian cities of Rovinj (around 90 km away), Pula (around 100 km away) or Opatija (around 100 km away) where you can have also unforgettable beach experience. So, all this are facts that we have to stress to convince you that also this paying option is not a bad one.

  1. Group size: should be maximum 40 persons (Dancers, musicians, leaders and bus drivers).
  2. Travel expenses: All the travel expenses belong to your group. We advise you to arrive with the bus. Using airplane we suggest you to choose Ljubljana (Slovenia, 145 km from Piran), Trieste (Italy, 80 km from Piran) or Venice (Italy, 180 km from Piran) Airport. We cover only local transportation costs in case of using Airplane connection.
  3. On the Festival beginning day you have to arrive in time, as established in the Official Invitation letter.
  4. The duration of your performances on the festival is different each day. The minimum is a program of 10 minutes daily, the longest performance's duration is limted to (very, very rare) 60 minutes (Could be also a combination of dances and folk music program). In the last years the average dance performance of a group is 12 minutes daily.
  5. The program of the group have to contain traditional dances, the traditional dresses from your country or region and traditional live music.
  6. We are choosing the groups in the month of November for the next year festival that is held in June or July.

Hemen Ara